What Makes a Good Public Speaker?

Topic: What makes a good public speaker?


 (Linkedin 2016)

Public speaking is when a person or group of people deliver a speech or performance in front of an audience to give a message or to get a point across (Study.com 2016). To be a good public speaker the person/s delivering the speech must be able to include other elements in the speech other than just words and knowledge (Moore 2015). For example, some of the main components to what make a good public speaker consist of are:

  • The delivery (Moore 2015);
  • Non-verbal communication (Moore 2015)
  • Interaction with the audience (Moore 2015).

The Delivery


(Casey 2012)

According to the American Society of Health System Pharmacists (2010) pace, pitch and power are the three components that contribute to a professional delivery. For a speaker to have a good pace they need to pause so the audience can digest the key points (American Society of Health System Pharmacists 2010). Effective pitch and power is when the speaker raises and lowers the tone and volume of their voices to accommodate for the changes in topic or to surprise the audience so that they stayed intrigued (Executive Communications Group 2004).

Non-verbal communication


(Cultures&People 2014)

Ethos (2016) suggests ‘60% of all human communication is nonverbal body language and 30% is tone. So that means that 90% of what is being said isn’t coming out of the mouth’. Eye-contact, facial expression, gestures and postures are all examples of non-verbal communication that can be used when speaking (Ethos 2016). Deepika (2015, p. 45) indicates that all non-verbal communication when used properly can lead to a more captivated audience that is more trusting and willing to listen.

Interaction with Audience


(Acsundergrad 2013)

When interacting with the audience the speaker usually asks questions and listens to the audience’s responses (Boundless, 2015). This is also known as verbal communication and non-verbal communication, through the use of eye contact, hand signals, etc. (Boundless, 2015).

My 2 minute audio recording:



American Society of Health System Pharmacists, 2010, ‘Public speaking revisited: delivery, structure, and style’, Success Skills, vol. 67, no. 15, pp. 1225-1227.

Boundless, 2015, Interaction in public speaking, viewed 18 March 2016, https://www.boundless.com/communications/textbooks/boundless-communications-textbook/delivering-the-speech-12/interaction-in-public-speaking-66/interaction-in-public-speaking-264-11198/

Deepika, P 2015, ‘The importance of non-verbal communication’, IUP Journal of Soft Skills, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 43-49.

Ethos, 2016, The importance of non-verbal communication, viewed 17 March 2016, http://www.ethos3.com/speaking-tips/the-importance-of-non-verbal-communication/

Executive Communications Group, 2004, There’s a message in your voice, ‘The Total Communicator’, Vol. 2, no. 3, viewed 17 May 2016, http://totalcommunicator.com/vol2_3/voicemessage.html

Furnham, A 2013, ‘On your head: pace, pitch, pause: master the art of public speaking’, Sunday Times, 18 December, p. 1.

Moore, J 2015, How anyone can become a good public speaker, ‘WordPress’, viewed 17 May 2016 http://time.com/3758692/become-good-public-speaker/

Study.com, 2016, What Is public speaking and why do I need to do it?, ‘Study.com’, viewed 17 May 2016, http://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-public-speaking-and-why-do-i-need-it.html


For Pictures

Acsundergrad, 2013, Sharing chemistry with plays by fusion science theatre, ‘WordPress’, viewed 17 May 2016, https://acsundergrad.wordpress.com/2013/08/08/sharing-chemistry-with-plays-by-fusion-science-theater/

Casey, DO 2012, It’s all in the delivery, ‘WordPress’, viewed 17 May 2016, https://beyondthebluefogbank.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/odat-june-22-2012-its-all-in-the-delivery/

Cultures&People, 2014, Culture in verbal and non-verbal communication, ‘Viaggiovagando’, viewed 17 May 2016, http://www.viaggiovagando.com/en/blog/2014/06/23/part-culture-play-verbal-non-verbal-communication/

Linkedin, 2016, Public speaking, ‘Linkedin’, viewed 17 May 2016 https://au.linkedin.com/topic/public-speaking


How has technology has impacted communication?

Topic: Explain how technology has impacted communication. Provide an example of how technology has influenced how you communicate. 


(Headlines 2014)

As time progresses and the human race becomes smarter and technology has impacted the way that people communicate (Nayab 2014). Since technology has become cheaper and more accessible many more people have chosen to use these devices to communicate with others (Nayab 2014). Technology has allowed those who live in remote communities to communicate with others from all across the globe (Cotten, SR, Anderson, WA, & McCullough, BM 2012). There are many different and diverse forms of technological communication that have changed the way that people communicate with each other (Johnston 2016). Two types of technologies that have changed the way that people communicate are:

  • Social Media (Johnston 2016);
  • Mobile Phone Services (Johnston 2016);

These main types of technology have influenced the way that humans communicate with each other (Johnston 2016).

Social Media

Social media.jpg

(Black 2015)

According to Christian (2015) social media has probably had to biggest impact on how people communicated with each other. This is just due to the shear amount of people that can be communicated to at once as well as posting what someone has been up to at the same time (Christian 2015). However, social media has not just changed us for the better, it is being used to often and therefore our people skills have decreased in perfection (Claywell 2016). Without social media, a lot of society would not be able to keep in touch with others and that is why it has changed the way we communicate now and forever (Claywell 2016).

(Turkle 2012)

Mobile Phone Services

Speech bubbles and mobile phones

(Davoust 2016)

Mobile phone services are also one of the major technologies that have had an impact on the way the two people can communicate with each other (Myer 2010). Mobile phones have introduced a way to have a small and portable communication device that allows for real time communication (Myer 2010). Since the introduction of mobile phones business calls can be done straight away so that no time is wasted (Grant N.d). For example, if a client has made a deal and the employee who is finding more about this deal is away from the boss they can just call their boss using a mobile phone to get conformation (Grant N.d).



Christian, P 2015, How the Internet automates communication, ‘Information Communication & Society’, Vol 18, no. 9, pp. 991-1005.

Claywell, CR 2016, Advantages and disadvantages of social networking, ‘Love to Know, viewed 12 May 2016, http://socialnetworking.lovetoknow.com/Advantages_and_Disadvantages_of_Social_Networking

Cotten, SR, Anderson, WA, & McCullough, BM 2012, The impact of ICT use on loneliness and contact with others among older adults, ‘Journal of Medical Internet Research, Vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 161–165.

Grant, K N.d, How have cell phones changed communication?, ‘eHow’, viewed 13 May 2016,  http://www.ehow.com/about_5333360_cell-phones-changed-communication.html

Johnston, K 2016, Examples of different forms of technology-mediated communication, ‘Demand Media’, viewed 12 May 2016, http://smallbusiness.chron.com/examples-different-forms-technologymediated-communication-34313.html

Myers, S 2010, Have cell phones changed the way we communicate, ‘Phone Dog’, viewed 13 May 2016, http://www.phonedog.com/2010/08/31/have-cell-phones-changed-the-way-we-communicate

Nayab, N 2014, How Communication Has Evolved With New Technologies, ‘Bright Hub Project Management’, viewed 12 May 2016, http://www.brighthubpm.com/methods-strategies/79052-exploring-how-technology-has-changed-communication/


For Pictures and Media

Black, S 2015, Is social media marketing your most powerful tool?, ‘Rival IQ Insights’, viewed 13 May 2016, https://www.rivaliq.com/blog/is-social-media-marketing-your-most-powerful-tool/

Davoust, L 2016, Stock Photo – 3D Speech bubbles and mobile phones. Communication and technology, ‘123RF’, viewed 13 May 2016, http://www.123rf.com/photo_32948284_3d-speech-bubbles-and-mobile-phones-communication-and-technology.html

Headlines, 2014, How can technology help internal communication in 2014?, ‘Headlines News’, viewed 13 May 2016, http://headlines.uk.com/how-can-technology-help-internal-communication-in-2014/

Turkle, S 2012, Connected, but alone, ‘Ted’, viewed 13 May 2016, https://www.ted.com/talks/sherry_turkle_alone_together?language=en

What are the different types of non-verbal communication? How can non-verbal communication make or break a speech?

Topic: What are the different types of non-verbal communication? How can non-verbal communication make or break a speech?


The way non-verbal communication is used normally determines whether the speech that is being presented was a success or a complete failure (Phutela 2015). When someone presents a speech in front of an audience they want those viewers to come out having learnt what has been taught during that speech (Wahl 2016). This is called leaving an impression (Phutela 2015). According to Phutela (2015) what leaves the audience with a long lasting impression is 55% body language, 38% is how the presenter speaks and 7% is the words that are used. So that means 55% of what the audience takes in and remembers is not even verbal communication or the words coming out of the speaker’s mouth.

Non-verbal communication also impacts how interested an audience may be. This can be done through the numerous different types of non-verbal communication (Cenere, P, Gill, R, Lawson, C & Lewis, M 2015). Some of key and most important types of non-verbal communication consist of:

  • Body movements and posture (HelpGuide N.d);
  • Eye contact (HelpGuide N.d);
  • Facial expressions (HelpGuide N.d);

Body Movements and Posture

Body movement occurs when the person talking moves parts of their body. This could be as little as the shaking of their hand or could be as major as running across the stage (The Free Dictionary 2009). Posture is how enthused the body looks when presenting to an audience (Ditionary.com 2010).

body movements


Eye-contact is used throughout speeches to engage the audience and to make them feel as if they are a part of the presentation (Furnham 2014).


Facial Expressions

Facial Expressions can include smiling, frowning, eye rolling and many more minor changes but it is used to make a speech more exciting and make the audience feel these expressions as their own (Davis 2016).

face expressions

Non-verbal communication can either make or break a speech depending on how it is used (Desmarais 2014). By using the basic nonverbal communications which are body movements and posture, eye contact and facial expressions, normally a speech will be a success and not break (Desmarais 2014).

A great example of how non-verbal communication can be used to make or break a speech is by Fatima B Muhammad. Fatima demonstrates some of these skills throughout one of her Tedx talks. The link below will show her Tedx talk (Muhammad 2015):

(Muhammad 2015)

Reference List

Cenere, P, Gill, R, Lawson, C & Lewis, M 2015, Communication skills for business professionals, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, Vic.

Davis, B 2016, Facial expressions in nonverbal communication: importance & explanation, ‘Study.com’, viewed 5 May 2016, http://study.com/academy/lesson/facial-expressions-in-nonverbal-communication-importance-lesson-quiz.html

Desmarais, C 2014, 8 Ways nonverbal communication can make or break your brand, ‘Inc.’, viewed 16 May 2016, http://www.inc.com/christina-desmarais/8-ways-nonverbal-communication-can-make-or-break-your-brand.html

Dictionary.com, 2010, Posture, ‘Dictionary.com’, viewed 5 May 2016, http://www.dictionary.com/browse/posture

Furnham, A 2014, The secrets of eyecontact, revealed, ‘Psychology Today’, viewed 5 May 2016, https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sideways-view/201412/the-secrets-eye-contact-revealed

HelpGuide, N.d, Nonverbal communication, ‘HelpGuide.org’, viewed 5 May 2016, http://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships/nonverbal-communication.htm

Phutela, D 2015, ‘The importance of non-verbal communication’, IUP Journal of Soft Skills, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 43-49.

The Free Dictionary, 2009, Body Movement, ‘The Free dictionary by Farlex’, viewed 5 May 2016, http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/body+movement

Wahl, J 2016, Skills Learned in Speech and Debate are Long Lasting, ‘Rosetta Stone Homeschool’, viewed 9 May 2016, http://www.rosettastone.com/homeschool/articles/skills-learned-in-speech/


For Pictures and Media

Centeno, A 2015, How to Best Use Eye Contact | Eye Contact and Persuasion | How to Persuade Using Eye Contact, ‘Real Men Real Style’, viewed 5 May 2016, http://www.realmenrealstyle.com/eye-contact-persuasion/

EntWelbeing, 2015, How Non-Verbal Communication Affects Verbal Communication, ‘Non-verbal Communication’, viewed 5 May 2016, http://www.entwellbeing.com.au/speech-pathology/language/non-verbal-communication/

Gramani, D N.d., Non Verbal Communication is the use of facial expressions, gestures, body movement,posture and tone of voice to communicate. It also includes writing, ‘Weebly’, viewed 5 May 2016, http://cgccomms.weebly.com/nonverbal-communication.html

Muhammad, FB 2015, Empowered women will change our world, ‘Tedx’, viewed 16 May 2016,  http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/Empowered-women-will-change-our;TEDxEuston

TruthOnPot.com, 2013, Recognizing facial expressions: a surprising benefit of THC, ‘TruthOnPot.com’, viewed 5 May 2016, http://www.truthonpot.com/2013/08/12/recognizing-facial-expressions-a-surprising-benefit-of-thc/

What are Soft Skills? Why are they Important in Business?

Topic: What are ‘soft skills’? Why are they important in business? 


Many people wonder what soft skills are and whether they have these unique skills (Hordijk 2014). The answer to that question is that every single person in the world today has a set of soft skills that is unique to only them (Skills You Need 2016). Soft skills are somebodies personal character traits, attitude, personal habits, friendliness, communication skills and social graces that allows a person to portray what relations they have with other people (Han 2016). There are numerous different types of soft skills, but the top five most important skills that employers look for when hiring are:

  • Communication Skills (Cenre, Gill, Lawson & Lewis 2015) ;
  • Adaptability Skills (Cenre, Gill, Lawson & Lewis 2015);
  • Problem Solving Skills (Cenre, Gill, Lawson & Lewis 2015);
  • Management Skills (Cenre, Gill, Lawson & Lewis 2015);
  • Team Work Skills (Cenre, Gill, Lawson & Lewis 2015).



Communication Skills

Communication skills allows for an individual to exchange information with another person through written or verbal (Grimsley 2016).

Adaptability Skills

Adaptability is the skill to be able to adapt to any situation that has presented itself in front of the person being challenged or set with a task (Bader, P & Calarco, A 2003). This situation could be as simple as a software change or a position change in a workplace (Bader, P & Calarco, A 2003).

Problem Solving Skills

Problem solving is the ability to discover a problem within a business or in any situation, then identify why it has arisen and then finally find a solution to fix the issue (Hordijk 2014).

Management Skills

Management skills is the ability to be able to be organised through quality management of time, people and of situations that need managed (Tracy 2012).

Team Work Skills

Team skills is the aptitude to be able to work with fellow employees to complete a set of task to the greatest possible standard (The Happy Manager 2016).

Soft skills are important in business because they help us complete our jobs and remain on task (McKay 2016). They help us communicate with the boss, employees and customers (McKay 2016). Without soft skills in a business, nothing would be completed to a respectable standard and the business therefore would not be profitable (McKay 2016).


Soft skills however are not hard to learn (McKay 2016). Just like any skill, it takes persistence  to be able to master the skill being pursued (Skills You Need 2016). Once the skill is learned it must be constantly used to maintain full control over it (McKay 2016).



Bader, P & Calarco, A 2003, ‘Adaptability: What it takes to be a quick-change artist’, Leadership in Action, Vol. 22 no. 6, pp3-6.

Cenere, P, Gill, R, Lawson, C & Lewis, M 2015, Communication skills for business professionals, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, Vic.

Grimsley, G 2016, What is communication? – definition & importance, ‘Study.com’ viewed 28 April 2016, http://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-communication-definition-importance.html

Han, L 2016, Soft skills definition: what are soft skills, ‘Soft Skills – Ask a Wharton MBA’, viewed 26 April 2016, https://bemycareercoach.com/softskills/what-are-soft-skills

Hordijk, W 2014, ‘The algorithmic mind and what it means to solve a problem’, Emergence: Complexity & Organization, Vol. 16, no. 4, pp 1-6.

Iyengar, RV 2015, MBA: the soft and hard skills that matter, IUP Journal of Soft Skills, Vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 7-14.

McKay, DR 2015, Soft skills, what are they and why we need them, ‘About Careers’, viewed 28 April 2016, http://careerplanning.about.com/od/importantskills/a/soft-skills.htm

Skills You Need, 2016, Soft skills, ‘Skills You Need, Helping You Develop Life Skills, viewed 26 April 2016, http://www.skillsyouneed.com/general/soft-skills.html

The Happy Manager, 2016, Define teamwork, ‘The Happy Manager, a better Way to Manage’, viewed 28 April 2016, http://the-happy-manager.com/articles/define-teamwork/

Tracy, B 2012, What makes a good leader? Simple ways to improve your management skills, ‘Brian Tracy International’, viewed 28 April 2016, http://www.briantracy.com/blog/business-success/management-skills-what-makes-a-good-leader/


For Pictures

Davis, A N.d, Career tips: what are soft skills and how do I use them?, ‘MAU Workforce Solutions, Consider it Done’, viewed 28 April 2016, http://www.mau.com/career-tips/career-tips-what-are-soft-skills-and-how-do-i-use-them

Louis, S 2015, Soft Skill Matter, ‘Polished Communications’, viewed 28 April 2016, http://stlpolished.com/soft-skills-matter/

Siva, 2016, What are soft skill? 10 benefits of soft skill training in today life, ‘EWriticle’, viewed 28 April 2016, http://ewriticle.com/what